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phleum pratense中文是什么意思

用"phleum pratense"造句"phleum pratense"怎么读"phleum pratense" in a sentence


  • 多作放牧地牧草
  • 和梯牧草


  • Based on 2 - d - optimum orthogonal design field experiment in the jointing - heading period of phleum pratense l . , the results show that potassium content is the most productive on the seed yield , phosphorus comes next and nitrogen the least
    摘要采用二因素d -饱和最优设计,通过猫尾草拔节抽穗期的根氮、磷、钾和茎叶氮、磷、钾的含量对其种子产量和产量因子进行灰关联熵分析。
用"phleum pratense"造句  
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